Condor Earth was incorporated in 1983 as Condor Minerals Management. The initial professional direction of the company focused on providing geologic and permitting services to the mining industry in California and Nevada. Some of the more important clients included Northgate Minerals Corporation, Hecla Mining, Calgon (Merk), Carson Hill Gold Mine, Meridian Minerals, and others.
Condor Earth expanded its geographic area, capabilities, and client base through the 1980’s and 1990’s. By 1992, the firm was offering geologic, environmental, geotechnical, permitting, and MTSI services from offices in Sonora, Turlock, and Pensacola, Florida. The development of new capabilities applicable to company services prompted the change in the company’s name to Condor Earth Technologies, Inc.
In the late-1980’s, Condor Earth began developing a GIS capability. It soon became apparent that an opportunity existed to develop a real-time field data collection product for integration with GIS. In 1994, Condor Earth developed an agreement with Strata Software in the UK to market a real-time data collection and mapping software called PenMap. PenMap was marketed by the Company to private industry and government from 1995 to 2008, after which time the software was no longer supported.
By the end of the 1990’s, Condor Earth’s Turlock office was moved to Stockton and operations were consolidated through the closure of the Pensacola office. In 1999, Condor Earth developed and began marketing 3D Tracker; a real-time GPS for monitoring system for large structures and land forms. This product and related services were sold in 2006 to Pinnacle Technologies, Inc. (now a subsidiary of Halliburton). In 2006, Condor Earth also opened its Merced office.
Condor expanded into wine cave consulting during the mid-90’s. We have grown to be the premier consultant to clients who are looking to build, update or remodel wine caves. We are the preferred experts on design, permitting and engineering for your wine cave needs. To date, Condor has worked on over 300 wine caves in California. Condor has also worked with utilities to design, rehab, repair and build water tunnels, dams and alternative underground structures.
Today, Condor offers services that include Geotechnical, Civil, Public Works, Environmental, Risk Management services and industrial compliance, property environmental assessments and drone UAF video, photography and photogrammetry. The geographic areas served by Condor Earth are primarily in the San Joaquin and Sacramento Valley, adjoining California Sierra Foothills, and Napa-Sonoma region. The service area has been expanded to provide specific capabilities to include Coastal and Southern California, the Pacific Northwest, and other areas of the United States.
Condor continues to look for new ways to provide services to our clients. Condor has provided services to over 3,500 clients since our inception. We continue to value our long-term client relationships, as well as new opportunities to serve.
Effective October 1, 2005 (Condor Earth’s 2006 fiscal year), Condor Earth adopted an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). The ESOP is designed to facilitate ownership transition while providing employees with diversification of their retirement investments. Ownership transition from company founders Barry Hillman and Bob Hoagland to Condor’s ESOP was achieved in 2010. As a result, Condor’s ESOP became the majority shareholder. The balance of ownership is held by key Condor Earth employees.