Condor Earth is proud to announce Sonora High School Senior Alexis Herfurth will receive the $2,000 Robert Skaggs Memorial Scholarship to assist her as she pursues a mechanical engineering degree at the prestigious California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena, California. Condor is a major contributor to this scholarship, named for the late father of Condor Principal Engineer and Vice President Ronald Skaggs.

The scholarship, awarded through the San Joaquin Engineers Council (SJEC), will be formally presented to Alexis during an awards ceremony at Sonora High School later this year. The scholarship is given annually to a promising future engineer and the latest recipient is an ideal choice for the honor. Beyond Alexis’ GPA of 4.28, the Sonora teen received the University of Chicago Emerging Rural Leaders Scholarship in 2021 and was named as Outstanding Scholar in the university’s 2021 Molecular Engineering summer program. She is also a National Merit Scholar, a Columbia College math tutor, and four-year starter on the Sonora High Varsity Volleyball Team.

Alexis attributes her deep interest in engineering to a sixth-grade trip to Disneyland! “At every attraction, I was astounded by the engineering, robotics, special effects, and Disney’s lauded attention to detail. … From sixth grade on, my passion for becoming an engineer has been unwavering,” she explained in an essay to SJEC.

Condor wishes Alexis the best as she strives in her academic and professional engineering pursuits, and looks forward to again awarding the Robert Skaggs Memorial Scholarship to another outstanding future engineer next year.

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